【H-041】 Kimono Under Garment for Hada-Nugi Size:3L 肌脱ぎ用下着(男性用襦袢) 特々大
【H-041】 Kimono Under Garment for Hada-Nugi Size:3L 肌脱ぎ用下着(男性用襦袢) 特々大
【H-041】 Kimono Under Garment for Hada-Nugi Size:3L 肌脱ぎ用下着(男性用襦袢) 特々大

【H-041】 Kimono Under Garment for Hada-Nugi Size:3L 肌脱ぎ用下着(男性用襦袢) 特々大

Men's only.
100% Polyester; Doesn't stick to skin in warm weather, so perfect for use in hada-nugi.
If you are ordering this to match a kimono you already own, please check the chart below to make sure the measurements of your kimono match the size you are ordering.

Item Detail
Material Polyester 100%
Type MEN'S only
Size XXL

Men's only.
100% Polyester; Doesn't stick to skin in warm weather, so perfect for use in hada-nugi.
If you are ordering this to match a kimono you already own, please check the chart below to make sure the measurements of your kimono match the size you are ordering.

Item Detail
Material Polyester 100%
Type MEN'S only
Size XXL
